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Please tell your senator how can end recession and obtain wealth for every U.S. Citizen!

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povertyAccording to the United Nations Children's Fund, one in six children in the world's richest nations live in poverty, with the United States and Britain among the worst. A report by UNICEF published (week of June 13, 2000) stated that despite rising incomes in the world's 29 wealthiest nations, 47 million live in families so impoverished that their health and well-being are at risk.

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Mexico rated most poorly in terms of children living in relative poverty: More than 26 percent of children live in households with an income below 50 percent of the national median. The United States came next, with 22.4 percent;

followed by Italy, 20.5 percent; Britain, 19.8 percent; Turkey, 19.7 percent; and Ireland, 16.8 percent. Rated the best were Sweden, Norway and Finland, with 2.6 percent, 3.9 percent and 4.3 percent respectively.

A survey of children living in absolute poverty - defined as households with incomes below the U.S. official poverty line converted into national currencies - showed Poland was the worst, with 93.1 percent; followed by Hungary, 90.6 percent; the Czech Republic, 83.1 percent; Spain, 42.8 percent; Italy, 36.1 percent; and Britain, 29.1 percent. 

San Francisco Examiner, Associated Press, Sue Leeman

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