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Recession Is Stretching the Limit on Welfare Benefits... · New Wave of the Homeless Floods Cities' Shelters · U.S. Recovery Can't Get Off The Floor · A Badly Bruised Economy Leaves Everyone Guessing · A Badly Bruised Economy Leaves Everyone Guessing · May 4, 2002 - U.S. Jobless Rate Increases to 6%; Highest in 8 Years

States Worry About Bush Welfare Rules (April 30, 2002)Bush Urges Work and Marriage Programs in Welfare Plan

Among state and local governments, much of the concern appears to center on the proposed work requirements. Under the Bush proposal, by the year 2007, 70 percent of welfare recipients will be expected to engage in a 40-hour week, including 24 hours on a job, and 16 hours of education or other activities. Currently, only about 30 percent of welfare recipients are working in a typical state, and a typical week for those recipients is 20 hours of work, 10 hours of training...

"We're dealing with a lot of people now who have been on assistance for a significant period of time," said Nicole Swanson, who oversees welfare programs in Anoka County. "They have low I.Q.'s and learning disabilities and a lot of family issues — single parents dealing with two or three kids, one is in foster care, one is in the probation system, the mother's trying to go to work and deal with day care..."

A 40-hour week, officials say, would also mean major new expenses for child care. The California Legislative Analyst's Office reported last week that the Bush plan would cost that state an additional $2.8 billion over the next five years, largely because of child care.

"That mom may, for the first three months, typically need full-time residential care. But you know, she's not ready to go to work 24 hours a week right after that. Otherwise, we're setting her up to fail..."

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 — Mr. Bush formally unveiled his welfare plan today beneath a huge sign that declared, "Working Toward Independence," before an audience of community activists in St. Luke's Catholic Church in Southeast Washington...

... welfare recipients, under his proposal, would be required to spend 40 hours a week in work, but added that up to two of those work days could be spent on education and training...

Mr. Bush presented his proposals to strengthen marriages and families, which critics assert is an inappropriate realm for the government, as a way to help children. "Across America, no doubt about it, single mothers do heroic work," he said. "They have the toughest job in our country." But he added, "In many cases, their lives and their children's lives would be better if their fathers had lived up to their responsibilities..." {So what's he gonna do for all those single, welfare mothers NOW?}

Mr. Bush also made the case today for his proposed $135 million for abstinence education, also part of his welfare plan... {So how's he gonna help all those single welfare mothers who have to work and train 40 hours a week?}

"The president requires more hours of work, but not one dime more for child care," Mrs. Edelman said. "Right now only one in seven children eligible for federal child care assistance gets it."

Support Education for Welfare Moms - Urge your representative to support real welfare reform that will give recipients a path to self-sufficiency by offering higher education options, fair job opportunities and critical work supports, including childcare, healthcare, transportation and housing. {See how the Bush Administration has discouraged the safety of young women - especially in third world countries.}

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